
Friday, June 8, 2012

Thrift Stores and Patterns

I have to admit a developing problem.  I have now gone to 4 different second-hand Goodwill type stores only looking for patterns.  The 4th one was waaaaayy over in Scottsdale because to my reckoning the expensive part of town would have better patterns.  They didn't at all.  I guess rich people don't sew.

Here is what I found over in my part of town, where the unglamorous hang out.
I love this blouse! I wish I knew the year it is from.

This is what me and the fella plan on doing once
I make us a matching set of pants.


  1. It's hard to find patterns, let alone vintage ones in the thrift stores around here. When I've asked, the women look at me as if I'm such a curiosity!

    Good plan on the matching pants, you could have them in all differnt colours - don't forget to find a cobbled street, half undress your fella and take pics! (If it's warm enough to be topless, why would you have a long sleeved top wrapped around your neck? Whatever - just be faithful to the pattern and do it!)

  2. I recently visited a Goodwill (in Columubs OH) solely to search for vintage patterns, but was told that they no longer sell them?? The staff said that when they're donated, that they are just put into storage. Seems like such a waste!

    1. How frustrating....knowing that the patterns are there and just not available. I wonder why they did that.
      BTW... I just went to your blog and saw your post on proper wedding attire. So... people have to be told not to wear jeans and shorts to weddings? (face palm).

  3. I just had to comment because when I lived in Mesa 20 years ago I would scour the thrift stores for vintage patterns. Deseret had the best selection then, mostly 1960s vintage. I think so many of the snowbirds sold off all their "stuff" before moving to Arizona that finding anything much older is really hard. I know that's what my grandparents did before moving there in the early 70s.

    1. I never thought of that being the issue. That completely makes sense! I am headed to the Midwest in a month to visit family and my grandma lives a stones throw from the thrift store in town. I am going to check it out! Thanks for the good idea!

  4. i got super luck once on craiglist... i picked up 20 vintage patterns for $40

    1. Oooh...I should look there. That is a great idea. I looked when I was in the midwest for a visit and was disappointed... they only had patterns for crafts, window treatments and dolls.
