
Thursday, December 26, 2013

B5235 See & Sew Jacket

My last project of 2013 - was not successful.  Boo.  I made the jacket from See & Sew B5235.
I have only tried to make one jacket before and it was, unfortunately also less than a success.  I took the Starlet Suit Jacket class from Craftsy.  The class was less than great and so was the jacket that I never finished.  I gave up on that jacket, but here is my second try.
 The result is.... meh.  I don't like it.  It looks blocky, I think I got the sizing wrong because it is too big.  It doesn't look fitted like the photo.  Also, it is too short.  Jackets are longer now and a shorter jacket just ends up looking dated.
 I made it out of the same fabric as the fabric for the Butterick 5813 dress, thinking that I could wear them together.  But, I also should have seen that the collar on this jacket is all wrong for that dress.  I would have needed a jacket without a collar for them to work together.
 What ends up happening is that the jacket hides the only redeemable part of my figure - my waist.  It isn't a good look for me.
The bright side: 
I made a jacket and it wasn't a total success, but it certainly wasn't a disaster.  This might work for someone, but it definitely doesn't work for me or for this dress, but I was still happy with the way the lining and facing looked together.  It was good practice for the next jacket that I try.
Inside of jacket
I probably won't keep this jacket, but I will feel good about donating it because it is wearable and someone may get use out of it. 


  1. Good for you looking on the bright size. I've just made gerties new look jacket and it emphasises the waist and I love it! Hope th next one is just right for you.

    1. Thanks! It was a bummer having the last project of the year be such a disappointment, but hopefully someone will get some use out of it at the Goodwill store.
